Arunika Waldorf


As a community who is concern with education in Bandung, we long to establish a school that provides a beautiful, safe, warm, and healthy environment for children. Here are our efforts in hope to educate children holistically through: thinking, feeling, and willing.

A school that provides the best education for children to develop their skills and capacities so that they can become free, and responsible individual human beings through Waldorf education.

A school that presents Indonesian values and culture in general, and Sundanese in Bandung, specifically West Java; so that children could sense and remember the cultural customs that are rooted in themselves. All of these things are aligned with the national curriculum in Indonesia.



"Extraordinary. This is the first time I feel like there is a school that really involves parents proactively in the child's education process at school. And see firsthand that the education is holistic/comprehensive. When I saw the report card, I was amazed by the unique and very custom presentation according to each child's growth and development. Parents can understand and follow the development of their child's character."
“Children are given great attention in various aspects by teachers. Starting from those related to studies, health, body posture, eating patterns, emotions, etc. "This was conveyed to the parents, and in the end we had to introspect ourselves, examine whether there was anything missing from our parenting pattern."
“I met Arunika through browsing on the Internet, and to be honest at that time I didn't understand anything about Waldorf education (in fact, zero information). "But for some reason, my husband and I immediately fell in love with Arunika with her atmosphere, and especially with the figure of Mrs. Manda and the Arunika community of course...Bismillah, we chose Arunika for our child."

Frequently Asked Questions

Silahkan hubungi kontak sekolah Arunika pada whatsapp 62811238815 (Alika). Anda akan mendapatkan panduan pendaftaran lebih lanjut.

Jam sekolah beragam sesuai dengan tingkat kelas. Secara umum jadwal sekolah dimulai jam 08.00 dan selesai paling akhir pada 13.00

Sekolah tidak mewajibkan seragam. Namun memberikan panduan dalam berpakaian – nyaman, bebas bergerak dan sesuai cuaca. Topi/jas hujan selalu sedia. Warna yang tidak mencolok dan tidak menganggu konsentrasi (warna stabilo misalnya), dan tidak bertulisan/bergambar merk atau slogan atau kata kata yang mengundang perhatian berlebih.

Iya. Kurikulum sekolah Arunika sejalan dengan kurikulum nasional.

Izin sekolah diajukan sesuai dengan peraturan dan kebijakan Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan yang mana masih berlangsung hingga saat ini.

Siswa bisa melanjutkan ke jenjang selanjutnya. Baik ke sekolah alternatif lanjutan lainnya atau ke sekolah formal seperti SMP Negeri sesuai kebutuhan siswa.Sekolah akan mengakomodasi kebutuhan siswa melanjutkan ke jenjang berikutnya.

Ada. Pelajaran agama akan diberikan langsung oleh guru agama yang kompeten dalam bidang keagamaannya.

Ya. Di sekolah anak belajar bahasa Indonesia, Inggris dan Sunda.
